Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences

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Faculty and student activity

The Department of Biomedical & Diagnostic Sciences is organized as: Biomedical Sciences and Research, Diagnostic Service Laboratories, and Veterinary Public Health and Outreach. These sections represent diversity and unity in the teaching, service and discovery aspects of veterinary medicine.  The department’s unique blend of disciplines provides continuity in the education and application of veterinary medicine. Our faculty and staff often assume multiple roles within and between our sections to fulfill our mission within the college. 


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  1. preparing students for the breadth of careers in veterinary medicine
  2. promoting discovery and graduate training in veterinary medicine and public health
  3. providing comprehensive high quality diagnostic services
  4. teaching, performing research and conducting outreach activities that promote and enhance the health of animals, humans and their shared environment


The faculty of this unique and multidisciplinary department strive to attain excellence in teaching and scholarship in veterinary medicine.

Department Contact 

  • Ms. Donna Longmire, Program/Resource Specialist
  • College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Comparative Medicine, A205
  • University of Tennessee
  • 2407 River Drive
  • Knoxville, TN 37996-4550
  • Tel:  865-974-5570
  • Email:​