Funding Opportunities

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Determining where to search for funding is a function of faculty research goals. Individual researchers have the most nuanced understanding of the particular research solicitations or unsolicited opportunities most relevant to their own career objectives. Therefore, researchers can usually do the best job of identifying funding of possible interest. Developing your own search and organizational protocols for finding and categorizing research funding opportunities is easily done:  

  • Researchers should develop a process for identifying specific funding opportunities that they may want to pursue now or in the future. Creating this process early on will give researchers time to plan the opportunities to pursue. 
  • Begin with a list of broad key words (“feline” and “cat” will get more results than “infectious peritonitis”).
  • Set up automatic e-mail alerts to be notified of new opportunities and due dates.
  • When opportunities are found, assess the requirements for responding to a solicitation to make a measured decision about whether or not to pursue it.

Below are links to common search tools and funding agencies relevant to UTCVM. 

Search Tools

Links to Popular Funding Agencies