50th Anniversary

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In 1967 Clyde York, then president of the Tennessee Farm Bureau and member of the UT Board of Trustees, recommended the board ask the university’s administration to study the possibility of establishing a veterinary school to help alleviate the lack of access to veterinarians and provide more Tennesseans the opportunity to attend veterinary school. The board received the go-ahead and began a formal study. At the same time, the Tennessee Farm Bureau passed a resolution requesting a similar feasibility study. The Tennessee Veterinary Medical Association also formed a “School Investigating Committee” and later voted unanimously to support the establishment of a veterinary school in the state.

In 1968, the feasibility study recommended the establishment of a veterinary school on the Knoxville campus. Eventually, the Tennessee Legislature directed the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) to conduct a formal study. Dr. Willis W. Armistead, dean of Michigan State University’s veterinary college, was hired as the THEC consultant. His Increased Veterinary Services for Tennessee and Consultant’s Report became the foundation for the veterinary college.

In March 1974, legislation passed the House (unanimous vote) and Senate (32-1 vote) establishing a veterinary college. Governor Winfield Dunn signed the legislation on March 19 of that year.

Clyde M York and others at building dedication.
Spay and neuter vets stand in front of the spay and neuter clinic trailer
January 1, 2005
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Image of the outside of the TLC new addition to UTCVM
January 20 , 2023
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TLC Grand Opening
January 23, 1979
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Once the veterinary college was established, the search was on for a dean. Dr. W.W. Armistead, the consultant who produced the Increased Veterinary Services for Tennessee and Consultant’s Report, was UT’s top choice. But would he want the position? After all, he was well known nationally in the veterinary profession: he was past president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, was founding editor of the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, and had served as dean at Texas A & M and Michigan State University. In the summer of 1974, Armistead was named UTCVM dean. He later recalled in a 1987 videotape about the college’s founding that he was “hooked” on Tennessee in part, because of the new program’s unusual amount of support.   

The UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s 50th anniversary celebration continues. We have planned special events throughout the year to thank our faculty, staff, students, alumni, referring veterinarians, clients, and supporters who have been or are our essential partners in the College’s success. We hope you will look forward to our monthly emails throughout 2024 as we highlight a different aspect of the College’s history. This month, hiring a leader.

With his vast experience within the profession, Armistead knew professors all over the country. That served the college well when he hand-selected his faculty and staff. Nancy Smith, administrative secretary and later assistant to the dean was his first hire. Armistead hired department heads to lead the Department of Urban Practice (Dr. Dean Gage), the Department of Rural Practice (Dr. Horace Barron), the Department of Pathobiology (Dr. Robert Michel), and the Department of Environmental Practice (Dr. Hyram Kitchen). The heads of the UT Department of Animal Science (Dr. Ronald Johnson), and Department of Microbiology (Dr. Arthur Brown), were already at the University. Armistead and the department heads selected Dr. William Grau as associate dean for resident instruction and Dr. Charles Reed as associate dean for development.

– 50th Anniversary Committee, with gratitude to Dr. Nancy Howell, author of A Recent Past, An Unlimited Future.

UT College of Veterinary Medicine Original Faculty
May 1976 Left to right, first row: Alfred Legendre, Wayne Baldwin, E. Dean Gage, Arthur Brown, and Hyram Kitchen. Second row: Ronald Johnson, Desmond Doyle, Gerald Bratton, R.L. Michel, Robert Sholtens, and David Brian. Third row: Royce Roberts, Ralph Hall, William Grau Jr., Jack Oliver, and C.F. Reed. Fourth row: D.J. Krahwinkel, Joe Oden, H. T. Barron, and W. W. Armistead (not pictured – Donald McGavin)
stock image of a dog
Feb 2, 2008
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UTCVM celebrates 1,000,000th Patient
Photo of Dr. Hyram Kitchen, UTCVM’s second dean.
FEB. 8, 1990
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UTCVM Dean Kitchen is murdered at his home. Michael Shires is named interim dean.
aaalac red and black logo
Feb 22, 1983
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UTCVM receives AALAC accreditation
(left to right) Buddy Moore, Michael Blackwell, Dennis Geiser, Jim Brace, John New, and Leon Potgieter hold the 2003 Commitment Award
Feb 23, 2004
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Pictured (left to right) Buddy Moore, Michael Blackwell, Dennis Geiser, Jim Brace, John New, Leon Potgieter
Two vet students pictures next to each other.
February is Black History Month
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Celebrating our Pioneers

The UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s 50th anniversary celebration continues, and this month heralds Founder’s Day. Throughout the year we have planned special events to thank our faculty, staff, students, alumni, referring veterinarians, clients, and supporters who have been or are our essential partners in the College’s success. We hope you will look forward to our monthly emails throughout 2024 as we highlight a different aspect of the College’s history. This month, brick by brick.

In 1973, a tract of land on the agricultural campus facing Neyland Drive and the Tennessee River was identified for the new veterinary building. In a 1993 interview with Nancy Howell for A Recent Past, An Unlimited Future, Dr. Joe Johnson said there was never any question about where to locate the school. “That was the only logical place to put a veterinary school because of the land grant mission of the university, the Institute of Agriculture, and UT’s large faculty.”

On April 3, 1976, faculty, staff, and governmental leaders attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the new building. Originally, the College of Agriculture used the land for field test plots. Dr. Leonard Josephson chronicled the construction of the veterinary college with periodic photographs from his office window in the Plant and Soil Sciences Building. He later gave the slides to Dean Armistead and noted on the envelope that the land was “originally a useful and profitable acreage.”

A series of photographs showing a plot of land being transformed from green agricultural test plots to construction equipment on bare soil to a three-story brick building
Photos Dr. Leonard Josephson took from his office window in the Plant and Soil Sciences Building as the veterinary building was being built. The one on the left was taken in 1971, the one in the middle in July 1976, and the one on the right October 1977.

Dean W.W. Armistead had estimated design and construction of the facility would be $ 17 million and the legislature appropriated all the money at one time. The college was designed and built on schedule with enough money to almost double the size of the Agriculture-Veterinary Library. Construction of the veterinary building took about two years. In September 1978, faculty, staff, and students moved into the new facility. Previously, classes had been held at Cherokee Farm.

The white buildings that served as a temporary small animal clinic while the veterinary building was being constructed.
While the veterinary building was being built, clinics were housed at Cherokee Farm.

– 50th Anniversary Committee, with gratitude to Dr. Nancy Howell, author of A Recent Past, An Unlimited Future.

April 3, 1976 Groundbreaking ceremony for new veterinary building. From left: Dr. William Armistead, dean; Dr. Ed Boling, UT  president; Gov. Ray Blanton; D. Jack Reese, UTK chancellor
April 3, 1976 Groundbreaking ceremony for the new veterinary building on the agricultural campus. From left: Dr. William Armistead, dean; Dr. Ed Boling, UT president; Gov. Ray Blanton; D. Jack Reese, UTK chancellor
Bald Eagle on a perch
MARCH 1, 1999
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Third-year ophthalmology resident, Dr. Margaret Cawrse, performs the first cataract surgery on a bald eagle
Attendees during a break at the Annual Conference in 1980
MARCH 4, 1980
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First UTCVM Annual Conference for Veterinary Practitioners held
Image of the leglislation that established UTCVM.
MARCH 11, 1974
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Legislation passed the house and senate to establish UTCVM
UT College of Veterinary Medicine Original Faculty
MARCH 19, 1974
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FOUNDER’S DAY! Gov. Winfield Dunn Signed Legislation to establish UTCVM
Vet standing next to the first black bear transfusion patient.
MARCH 23, 2017
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First black bear transfusion
Attendees looking at microscopes at the first UTCVM open house in 1980
MARCH 29, 1980
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First UTCVM Open House
Cover of a multiple page feasibility study by W.W. Armistead in 1968.
MARCH 30, 1968
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Feasibility study recommended establishment of a vet school on Knoxville
A group of UTCVM faculty, staff, and supporters with shovels during the groundbreaking of the EPRC in 2011
MARCH 31, 2011
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EPRC Groundbreaking

Composite of the headshots of 39 men and women who were the first graduates from the UT College of Veterinary Medicine
39 students graduated from the UT College of Veterinary Medicine in June 1979
Members of the Class of 1979 stand on the orange and white checkered endzone at Neyland Stadium during a homecoming game in 2019.
In the fall of 2019, the UTCVM Class of 1979 was recognized on the field at Neyland Stadium during a homecoming game

The UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s 50th anniversary celebration continues, and throughout the year we have planned special events to thank our faculty, staff, students, alumni, referring veterinarians, clients, and supporters who have been or are our essential partners in the College’s success. We hope you will look forward to our monthly emails throughout 2024 as we highlight a different aspect of the College’s history. This month, the first class.

In the 1973 report to a Special Joint Committee of the Tennessee General Assembly, Increased Veterinary Services for Tennessee, W.W. Armistead wrote, “Tennessee has an inadequate supply of veterinarians. At present, there are about 340 veterinarians practicing in the State, which is a little less than 9 veterinarians per 100,000 population. The national ratio is about 13.5 veterinarians per 100,000 population, so Tennessee is substantially behind the national average.” At the time, two national studies concluded it would take 17.5 veterinarians per 100,000 to provide adequate services to pets, livestock, public health services, education, and research.

Tennessee purchased student contract spaces at other veterinary colleges in several states including Georgia, Kansas, and Ohio through the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). The majority of contract spaces were in Alabama. Through the SREB program, 21 out-of-state students received in-state tuition in Alabama (19 at Auburn and 2 at Tuskegee) in 1973.
In the report, Armistead noted that states with veterinary colleges tended to have more accessible veterinary services. The majority of Tennesseans returned to the state to practice. About two-thirds of the veterinarians practicing in the state in 1973 were Auburn graduates.

201 Tennesseans applied for the Class of 1979. 117 were interviewed and ultimately twenty-eight males and twelve females were accepted. In the fall of 1976, forty students began a hectic three-year, year-round veterinary curriculum. Dr. Pat Hackett, Class of 1979 president, wrote in a VOLVet Vision Magazine article, “It all began in 1976. We were asked to go to veterinary school year-round for three years, unlike any other veterinary school in the country. That is the first unusual situation. The second was we didn’t have a building; we just used whatever space was available. That was fine for classrooms because there were always some that we could borrow. Anatomy lab was a little tougher! So, they remodeled the area below the seats in the Brehm Arena. It was temporary, so no need for heat or air.”

UTCVM Historical Events in April

HABIT volunteers Beth Code and her dog, Kodi, pose for a photo on their way to visit a facility.
April 1, 1986
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Human Animal Bond in Tennessee (HABIT) was formed as a partnership between the College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Social Work to explore the uses and benefits of the human-animal bond
A dog lying on a table as it receives hyperthermia treatment.
April 1, 1988
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Cancer treatments expanded to include CT scanning, surgery, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, laser surgery, chemotherapy, regional and whole body hyperthermia.
Dr. India Lane poses in a white coat with a black and white dog in front of the lithotripsy machine, with an inset image showing examples of different kidney stones.
April 1, 2001
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UTCVM becomes the first veterinary college with on-site lithotripsy for kidney stone treatment.
Dean W.W. Armistead, University of Tennessee President Dr. Ed Boling, Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton, and University of Tennessee Chancellor Dr. Jack Reese pose with shovels of dirt at the UTCVM groundbreaking ceremony in 1976.
April 3, 1976
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A groundbreaking ceremony is held for the UTCVM.
Front brick exterior of the John and Ann Tickle Small Animal Hospital.
April 4, 2008
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Work on the John and Ann Tickle Small Animal Hospital expansion and renovation is completed.

When the last member of the Class of 2024 walked across the stage at the Commencement and Hooding Ceremony, UTCVM surpassed a milestone — graduating over 3,000 veterinarians. 90 students comprised the college’s 45th graduating class; there was no graduating class in 1991 since the college had moved to a four-year semester program.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Class of 2024 didn’t have the opportunity to take part in team-building exercises, the Tennessee Welcome, or the white coat ceremony before beginning their professional educational journey. In the fall of 2020, they started vet school via Zoom and watched their professors adjust to the transformation of the delivery of the curriculum. The only class they were on campus for the entire first year was anatomy, and then they were in small groups. It wasn’t until they were a quarter of the way through their education (second year) before they got to meet each other. 

The first 50-year foundation set in place by outstanding administrators, faculty, and staff helped set the tone to face challenges head-on. The Class of 2024 did just that and succeeded.

Image of 90 veterinary students and administrators dressed in graduation regalia standing on risers in front of Alumni Memorial Building, a brick building.
Ninety students graduated from the UT College of Veterinary Medicine on Saturday, May 18, 2024

UTCVM Historical Events in May

Dean Hyram Kitchen accepting a check from Anheuser-Busch
May 1, 1982
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As part of the 1982 World's Fair, UTCVM and Anheuser-Busch establish a comprehensive herd healthcare program for the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdale Horse Operations.
VSW Social Work
MAY 2, 2002
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The Veterinary Social Work program is established at UTCVM.
MAY 13, 2022
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A renaming ceremony was held for the Charles & Julie Wharton Large Animal Hospital. The Equine and Farm Animal Hospitals at UTCVM were named the Charles and Julie Wharton Large Animal Hospital to hono
The Zeta chapter logo of the Society of Phi Zeta
MAY 17, 1979
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The Zeta Chapter of the Society of Phi Zeta is chartered.
The front cover of the 2024 UTCVM Commencement Program
MAY 17, 1979
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The first honors convocation is held

Take one parasitologist. Add a pinch of evangelist and toss in a little cheerleader. That’s been the recipe for success in Sharon Patton’s career. Patton, a professor in the Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Services, came to the veterinary college is 1977 as the first female faculty member of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Although she retired in 2014, just ask a former student about hookworms and you will hear a familiar chorus. The following Q & A appeared in the 2013 spring edition of Land, Life, & Science magazine. She and her daughter Rachel (known to many former veterinary students) were highlighted in a Mother’s Day story in May 2024. Rachel is an associate professor in UT’s Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology.

I was too young to feel like a trailblazer. In those early years, I did feel some responsibility for womankind. I had to be vigilant to be sure that the culture was welcoming to both male and female students and faculty.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS FIELD – AND WANT TO TEACH? Who knows why? I like the puzzles of figuring out parasites’ life cycles. Since I was raised on a farm and exposed to animals and diseases, gross things never bothered me.
Since she began her career, Patton has brought the same level of passion that she has for her profession into the classroom. She makes learning engaging and fun for her students, asking them to yell out answers and complete memorable phrases.
“My classes are like an old-time gospel meeting,” says Patton. “I have them yell out answers to my questions and complete my sentence when I say ‘Hookworms are…’ and they’ll yell, ‘VORACIOUS BLOODSUCKERS!’.” The purpose of all this is to enhance learning. I try to assure that some important principles will be remembered forever. Patton also devises lab cases for students with real-life scenarios of parasites infecting animals and causing disease that they must identify and make recommendations to treat and prevent. She requires a lot of work, but if they do it diligently they will learn the material and do well in her courses and then be better-prepared veterinarians.

Dr. Sharon Patton in her lab coat looking at samples.
Parasitologist Sharon Patton was the first female faculty member W.W. Armistead hired, joining the college in 1977. She retired in 2014. 

WHAT COURSES DO YOU TEACH? First and foremost I teach parasitology as well as parasitic principles in other courses in our curriculum such as zoonoses/food hygiene, alimentary systems, multispecies medicine, cardiovascular system, pharmacology I. With clinical rotations, I teach our students in each of their four years of veterinary school.

IS THIS SUBJECT WHAT VETS TAKE TO HELP THEM FIGURE OUT ILLNESSES AND DISEASES? Diagnosing, monitoring, and treating parasites are important to both animal and human health. Many parasites are zoonotic, meaning they can pass from animal to human and vice versa. It is a daily problem that the veterinarian sees. I am fortunate to be teaching a subject that the students usually understand is very practical and important.

I love it because it is practical and down to earth. I love the complicated life cycles and the mystery that is still involved in trying to understand how and why parasites do what they do. They are beautiful with very different characteristics such as teeth and alae and copulatory bursas. It is true they do horrible things to animals and people, and I love to foil them in these desires. I enjoy teaching students who are dedicated to improving animal and human life. One way to do that is to control and eliminate parasitic disease. Parasitism affects animal production and may bring on death and disease in animals and humans.
As a trailblazer herself, the parasitology professor knows the importance of teaching her students the fundamentals and provides them with tools to help them succeed in an ever-changing world.
“The environment and international travel have changed in the over three decades I’ve been teaching, new parasites are being discovered and new treatments are coming about and our understanding of control has changed, so most of what I teach I was never taught,” Patton said.
“There is always change, which is why I teach my students the importance of remembering the principles and understanding how something works so they can adapt to any change they may face.”

EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT ABOVE — If you give a person a parasite, he will know that one parasite. If you teach the person to understand the characteristics and principles of parasitism, he can figure things out on his own for the rest of his life

(Patton has authored or co-authored over 100 scientific papers and has presented at over 150 scientific and service talks)

UTCVM Historical Events in June

Image of Jean Proctor, the first African American to graduate from UTCVM
June 11, 1981
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Dr. Jean Proctor McNeil was the first African-American student to graduate from UTCVM.
Image of the feasibility study accessing the needs for a vet school.
June 15, 1967
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The UT Board of Trustees authorizes a feasibility study to assess the state's veterinary needs.
Center of Veterinary Social Work Logo.
June 15, 2023
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The establishment of the Center for Veterinary Social Work (CVSW).
Karen Tobias holding two poodles.
June 27, 2017
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Dr. Karen Tobias invents the Universal Tobias Clip.
Dr. W.W. Armistead smiling on stage during an event
June 30, 1987
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Dr. W.W. Armistead retires as UTIA Vice President.

UTCVM Historical Events in July

A brown cow with yellow cattle tags on its ears
JULY 1, 1985
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The Tennessee legislature establishes the Center of Excellence for Livestock Disease and Human Health.
The Center for Agriculture and Food Security and Preparedness logo
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The Center for Agriculture and Food Security Preparedness (CAFSP) was founded.
The VOLVet Voice podcast logo
JULY 14, 2021
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The VOLVet Voice podcast is created to share the College's stories of Knowledge, Compassion, and Discovery.
Dr. W.W. Armistead in a suit and tie
JULY 15, 1974
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Dr. William Armistead becomes the first UTCVM Dean.
Dr Macree pictured with the War dog memorial statue.
JULY 17, 1998
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Dr. Maurice Acree stands with the "Always Faithful" War Dog Memorial statue.
Three men pose for a photo, with one sitting and two standing behind him.
JULY 31, 1989
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Founding administrator, Dr. Charles Reed, retires as associate dean.
Dr. Michael Shires listening to the heart rate of a lamb.
JULY 31, 2000
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Dr. Michael Shires retires after serving as dean for 10 years.

As we continue our yearlong 50th anniversary celebration of the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine (UTCVM), it is only fitting that we commemorate this milestone with something extraordinary. Angela Kites, our college’s graphic designer, created a stunning mosaic of digital images featuring many of our dedicated faculty, staff, and students over the years. Since we are Smokey’s veterinary team, the mosaic forms an iconic image of the Volunteer mascot.

Dean Paul Plummer and Associate Dean Marcy Souza unveiled the mosaic at a college-wide Morning Mixer this summer. The mosaic is more than just artwork; it symbolizes the unity and collaborative spirit that has defined UTCVM over the years. Each image represents a unique story and contribution to our college’s rich history. Our collegial and family-like atmosphere sets us apart, fostering an environment where we strive to ensure everyone feels supported and encouraged.

We are celebrating past achievements but also looking forward to future possibilities. This mosaic serves as a reminder of what we can accomplish when we come together as a unified community. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Here’s to another fifty years filled with innovation, compassion, and unwavering dedication to veterinary medicine!

Dr. Marcy Souza, Associate Dean of Outreach & Global Engagement, and Dr. Paul Plummer, UTCVM Dean, unveiled the Smokey Mosaic at a college-wide Morning Mixer earlier this summer. The mixers are held periodically throughout the year as an opportunity for UTCVM faculty and staff to meet and welcome newcomers to the college.

UTCVM Historical Events in August

A group of graduating students in 4 tiered rows pose for a photo in their caps & gowns.
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UTCVM changes from a three-year to a four-year curriculum, as the university changes from a quarter to semester format.
Dr. Michael Blackwell smiling, in a suit and tie.
AUGUST 1, 2000
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Dr. Michael Blackwell is named UTCVM's 4th Dean.
The UTCVM Master Teacher Program logo reads “Dedicated to Teaching Excellence”.
AUGUST 2, 2008
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The Master Teacher Program is founded by Drs. India Lane, Michael Sims, and Nancy Howell.
The SEVEC boot camp logo used for the event in 2023.
AUGUST 3, 2023
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UTCVM hosts a three-day Veterinary Educator Boot Camp with more than 80 participants from 10 regional veterinary schools.
Dr. W.W. Armistead and his wife, Mary Armistead, pose in front of a plaque that includes an image of Armistead.
AUGUST 15, 2004
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W.W. Armistead Veterinary Teaching Hospital is named in honor of the founding dean of UTCVM.
A veterinarian holding a clipboard and taking notes in front of a group of dairy cows eating hay.
AUGUST 20, 2004
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The Master of Public Health (MPH) veterinary public health concentration begins.
A row of UTCVM white coats hanging on a rack.
AUGUST 20, 2002
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The White Coat Ceremony is instituted to welcome students to the study of the veterinary profession.

UTCVM Historical Events in September

A student looks at a t-shirt with a cow printed on it at the first Student AVMA sale at UTCVM.
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The Student Chapter of American Veterinary Medical Association and the Auxiliary to the Student Chapter receive their charters.
A professor stands at the front of a classroom with a slide projector showing 2 figures on the screen to an audience of students.
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The first UTCVM class of 40 students begins at Cherokee Farms.
Two UTCVM faculty members stand beside a pick-up truck, and one faculty member is in the bed of the pick-up truck getting ready to unload some large bookshelves.
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Faculty, staff, and students move into the new building that includes classrooms, research facilities, clinical facilities, and a library.
A group of students gathered in front of the UTCVM Small Animal Hospital stairs on a sunny day.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2018
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UTCVM launches a revised curriculum to extend the veterinary students' clinical year of education.
A close up of someone holding a turtle with a 3D printed mask over his right eye.
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UTCVM specialists print a 3D mask for Patches the turtle from Zoo Knoxville.
A group of faculty members sitting at a table talking, laughing and drinking coffee.
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The first faculty retreat is held.
A group of seven faculty members dressed in suits.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1979
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An academic convocation to dedicate the College of Veterinary Medicine is held.

On September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene slammed into Florida’s coast and then inundated East Tennessee and Western North Carolina with unprecedented rainfall, leading to massive flooding. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture called on UTCVM to spearhead the effort to collect animal-related supplies for affected communities in Carter, Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, Hawkins, Johnson, Unicoi, and Washington counties. A few days later the college’s mobile spay/neuter unit and one of its large animal ambulatory trucks were deployed to Elizabethton, Tennessee.

“Hurricane Helene has impacted the people and animals of our communities greatly. Staff, students, friends, neighbors, and clients have all suffered life-changing losses, and our vet school community grieves with all of those impacted,” said Paul Plummer, UTCVM dean. “Tennessee pet owners and farmers care deeply about assuring the health and welfare of their animals, and we are honored to partner with them in that mission.”

Veterinary students gathered over five thousand items for people and animals, an estimated thirty-thousand pounds of pet food, livestock feed, and hay were donated and delivered to communities, and faculty, staff, and students treated almost two hundred animals in Elizabethton. HABIT volunteer teams visited with those impacted including Spanish-speaking bereaved families as they waited in line to speak with the Mexican consulate in Erwin, Tennessee.  

“Providing veterinary services for sick or injured pets is an important part of the recovery from Hurricane Helene,” said Dr. Becky Debolt, clinical associate professor of shelter medicine at UTCVM. “Pets are an important part of our lives, and we hope our work helps strengthen the human-animal bond in these challenging times.”

It is not the first time UTCVM has stepped up to help during a natural disaster. In November 2016, ferocious fires ravaged the Sevier County mountains when wind gusts over 60 mph carried flames throughout the drought-stricken Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fourteen lives were lost, thousands of acres burned, and nearly $1 billion in insurance claims filed. The Sevier County Humane Society triaged animals at the fairgrounds with the help of the local veterinary community. The most serious cases were sent to the veterinary medical center at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine.

A burned orange tabby in critical condition with bones exposed on all four limbs was one of 22 animals (19 cats, 1 dog and 2 pigs) brought to UT for treatment. Ultimately a Facebook post helped identify his owner, Katrina Cannon. When Cannon and her family opened the door to flee their burning home, Topper, their orange tabby cat, bolted into the woods. “It was like driving through the streets of hell,” Cannon says of the family’s escape. They had lost everything and didn’t expect to see their cat again: a microchip with an old name and a Facebook post led to their reunion.   

Other work done by CVM during fire

  • Human Animal Bond in Tennessee (HABIT) volunteer teams with psychological first-aid certification provided daily animal-assisted therapy at the Red Cross shelter.
  • Students, faculty, and staff volunteered at the Sevier County Humane Society.
  • Companion Animal Initiative of Tennessee helped coordinate veterinary medical supplies for Sevier County Humane Society and Foster Vols, pairing animals with short-term foster homes.

Caring for the cats was labor intensive and demanded extensive nursing care. Topper’s road to recovery was fraught with setbacks and second-guessing — very little was written in the veterinary literature regarding those types of wounds. Topper became a symbol of hope for the medical teams treating all the animals injured in the fires. He remained in the hospital for a month, most of that time in the ICU, and returned to his new home with the Cannon Family on New Year’s Eve. Cannon was shocked when she brought Topper back to UT to visit the ICU team. “I had no idea so many people were involved with his care and loved him so much. I can’t imagine what he and everyone caring for him went through. They are a Godsend! There aren’t words good enough to say to them or to everyone who donated for medical care. He’s here because of them. I have my baby back because of them. I’m beyond grateful.”

January 7, 2020, Topper passed peacefully in Katrina Cannon’s arms at home surrounded by his family.

UTCVM Historical Events in October

Dr. Hyram Kitchen in a suit and tie.
OCTOBER 1, 1980
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Dr. Hyram Kitchen is named UTCVM's 2nd dean.
Dr. Jim Thompson smiling, in a suit and tie.
OCTOBER 1, 2008
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Dr. Jim Thompson is named UTCVM's fifth dean
A woman and her dog are presented with a certificate by Dr. D.J. Krahwinkel and Dean Michael Shires.
OCTOBER 4, 1995
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100,000th patient is treated
Clyde M. York stands next to a plaque with his likeness, along with UTCVM Dean W.W. Armistead, Governor, Senator and UT President Lamar Alexander, Ned McWherter, and others at the dedication of the veterinary medicine building.
OCTOBER, 17, 1980
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The Clyde M. York Veterinary Medicine Building is dedicated.
College faculty, staff, and students stand on the site for the Teaching and Learning center at UTCVM, along with some large construction equipment.
OCTOBER 22, 2020
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The groundbreaking of the Teaching and Learning Center is celebrated.
Dudley Hurst and Dr. Steve Adair looking at a horseshoe on a horse’s front left leg.
OCTOBER 28, 2013
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UTCVM hires its first on-site farrier to aid in treatment of equine wellness.
The CAIT mobile spay and neuter clinic parked on a gravel road in front of a field with a sunset in the background, while several shelter medicine staff stand and talk near the back of the mobile
OCTOBER, 31, 2014
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The Companion Animal Initiative of Tennessee (CAIT) launches a mobile spay neuter clinic

UTCVM Historical Events in November

Dr. D.J. Krahwinkel, smiling in a striped shirt with a tie.
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Veterinary Surgery publishes a paper by Dr. D.J. Krahwinkel & others
A large room with many cages for patients and some doctors and staff tending to some patients.
NOVEMBER 1, 1997
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UTCVM Small Animal ICU renovation completed
Dr. Hildegard Schuller sitting at a microscope in her office. Dr. Barry Rouse holds test tube samples in a circular device.
NOVEMBER, 6, 1994
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Drs. Hildegard Schuller and Barry Rouse are named Distinguished Professors
A woman holds her cat recovering from burns with bandages on his feet, as veterinary staff checks on the cat.
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UTCVM medical teams treat almost two dozen animals injured in the Sevier County wildfires

Celebrate 50 years of UTCVM

Celebrating 50 years!

The College has had many significant events, milestones, and discoveries throughout the years, and there are too many to include in this calendar. We welcome your thoughts on additional milestones to highlight other ways through the years.

Please visit tiny.utk.edu/UTCVMSubmitEvents and share them with us. – 50th Anniversary Committee

Celebrating a UTCVM Anniversary in December!

Sharon Thompson2002
Deborah Hill2006
Janet Roberson2013
Ivan Haworth2015
Angelica Quiggle2016
Jeremy Davis2016
Jeremy Long2018
Morgan Adkins2019
Girish Neelakanta2020
Hameeda Sultana2020
Zavanneh Ward2021
Morgan Tolbert2021
Kayela Statom2021
Audrey Barbour2022
Brittany Tipson2022
Stephen Tinkel1982
Lisa Abney1984
Charles Lambrecht1991
Lillian Gerhardt1992
Katie Lee1995
Dawnya Breeding1999
Jennifer Daniels2004
Robert Dobbins2004
Angela Rollins2006
Abigail Bohm2007
Noreen Gadzekp2008
Jessica Birdwell2008
Stephanie Boyd2013
Chika Okafor2015
Xiaohui Li2015
Lori Cole2016
Courtney Komjathy2016
Donna Longmire2017
Sarah Byrge2018
Elizabeth Croy2018
Elizabeth Collar2020
Lillian Carranza2020
Ruth Watts-Yates2020
Nicole Bissonnette2021
Austin Johnson2022
Liana Barbosa2022
Tracy Dolan2022
Amanda Massey2022
Nora Springer2022
Bailey Acord2022
Aurora Parker2022
Kylie Henriksen2022
Bethany Myerow2022
Roman Husnik2023
Angela Kites2023
Danielle Tarbert2023
Emilia Terradas Crespo2023
Amy Sanderson2023
Misti Henry1996
Sandra Harbison1999
Erica Blackwell Israel2003
Kimberly Fortner2012
Kenneth McClain2012
Mary Gulley2013
David Cowles2014
Hannah Palko2018
Bethanie Poe2018
Pearl Kirkland-Smith2019
Hannah Cruz Enriquez2020
Prachi Namjoshi2021
Renee Smith2022
Cassandra Frazer2022
Kayla McConkey2022
Kimiko Liles2022
Sierra Carver2023
Amber Lambdin2023
Sheila Martellio2023
Alexandra Tanner2023
Abby Herrell2023
Tracy Carter1990
Jimmy Hayes1999
Kimberly Newkirk2007
Cassandra Meitner2008
Jonathan Martin2011
Jena West2011
Luca Giori2014
Andrew Cushing2015
Bonnylee Kennedy2017
Amber Barnett2020
Daniel Stafford2020
Dawn Martin2020
Margaret Wood2020
Kandace Tew2021
Clinton Miller2021
Shelby Halliday2022
Sherri Sweeney2022
Jeanine Baine2022
Kaleena Scarbro2022
Michelle Whitt2023
Patricia Kelb2023
Nicole Kali2023
Julia Albright-Keck2011
Elizabeth Allen2003
Michelle Campbell-Brinyark
Chiara De Caro Carella Hampton2021
Elizabeth Drake2013
Jessica Gibbs2022
Jessica Gordon2023
LaTonya Harrison2012
Melinda Hauser1990
Jana Jinks2018
Megan Johnson2020
Liza Koster2019
David Lufkin2020
Dennis Makau2024
Emily Messer2022
Lucas Morgan2022
Johnny Mullins2015
Krista Rankin2022
Barry Rouse1977
Zoe Stoloff2022
Rebecca Strickland2017
Chrstine Weaver1992
Arielle Wolff2018
Catheryn Hance1981
Sherry Cox1988
Jamie Stuffle1998
Richard Adams1999
Brian Johnson2000
Michele Wilson2003
Melissa Meridieth2003
Britney Stearns2007
Jaime Norris2010
Kristie Wright2011
Viola Ivy2012
Rachael Wyrick2012
Benjamin Edenfield2015
Christopher Ramsey2016
Bridgett Nalepa2016
Julia Wyrick-Egan2016
Lori Terrones2017
Ashley Colantoni2017
Porsha Reed2018
Rebekah DeBolt2018
Bryan Cranmore2020
Andrew Ferguson2020
Rachel Lees2021
Amanda Vinzant2021
Shayla Nanni2022
Marie Ortiz2022
Sarah Hawkins2023
Allison Campbell2023
Sheila McNeil1988
Tulio Prado2004
Mohammad Seddighi2006
Talisha Reyes2008
Ruth Sapp2008
Rebecca O’Connor2009
Melissa Hines2011
Christina Zukas2015
Alyssa Stair2015
Sabrina Wilson2015
Nicole Wood2016
Jillian Smith2018
Denae LoBato2019
Denae LoBato2020
Samantha Anderson2020
Timothy Chamberlain2021
Jesse Smith2021
Cozette Harris2021
Parker Hill2022
Arantxa Lasa2022
Christine Palmer2022
Wesley Sheley2022
Owen Bailey2022
Marrina Carmichael2022
John Fang2022
Chelsea Hopson2022
Sarah Ramsey2022
Sarah Linn-Peirano2023
Michael Mahero2023
Kelsey Crain2023
Karissa Davis2023
Lydia Poland2023
Karley Warner2023
Morgan Fenton2023
Allyson Estepp2023
Molly Prescott2023
Michael Williamson2023
Henry Adair1986
Charla Clevenger1988
Kellie Fecteau1992
Susan Ivey1997
Karen Tobias1999
Shanna Hillsman2003
Christopher Carter2003
Marcy Souza2005
Karen McCormick2005
Silke Hecht2005
Sheri Pugh2006
Mary Passmore2006
Jessie Johnson2006
Olya Martin2007
Kayla Reger2009
Rebecca Nanni2010
Mary Vineyard2012
Shelly Olin2014
Tena Ursini2015
Christopher Smith2015
Brittany Nelson2015
Pierre-Yves Mulon2016
Erin Morrison2016
Genevieve Bussieres2016
Laura Newman2017
Crystal Zimmerman2018
Jessica Thompson2018
Marcella Viart2019
Kimberly McWhorter2019
Philip Krawec2019
Kaitlin Houser2019
Julie Sheldon2020
Sreekumari Rajeev2020
Ashley Hartley2020
Caroline Griffin2020
Kelsey Finnie2020
Corey Day2020
Mahesh Puthiyottu Poyil2020
Noah Kivlin2021
Julia Yeary2022
Khari Spence2022
Jessica Secundino2022
Evanna Rader2022
Tasha Mercado2022
Sophie Knafo2022
Nicholas Hayes2022
Kristen Brooks2022
Alexander Viere2023
Peyton Sosebee2023
Zachary Patton2023
Teresa Berger1984
William Thomas1993
Pamela Brock1993
Carla Sommardahl1994
Carol Tuft1994
Robert Reed1996
India Lane1997
Elizabeth Strand2000
Emily Dyke2000
Linden Craig2001
Misty Bailey2004
Dawn Phillips2005
James Houston Dale2006
Brian Whitlock2008
Paula Lawson2009
Tiffany Hunt2009
David Anderson2012
Ashley Self2012
Marsha Galyon2012
Lane Anderson2012
Zenithson Ng2013
Skylar Van Derhoff2015
Andrea Lear2015
Mohamed Abouelkhair2015
Constance Fazio2016
Clay Kesterson2016
Sara Jenkins2016
Kristen Marshall2017
Kimberly Anderson2017
Amy-Jo Van Skyhawk2018
Charles Lothamer2019
Adrianna Tompros2019
Virginia Calloway2019
Deborah Hill2019
Allison Renwick2020
Alexis Aponte2020
Rajeev Nair2020
Joseph Smith2020
Makayla Miracle2020
Cassio Auada Ferrigno2021
Nikolas Brooks2021
Samantha Bane2022
Stephanie Fowler2022
Haleigh Giles2022
Jacob Hancock2022
Peter Mercier IV2022
Sarah Templeton2022
Lizabeth Zachary2022
Michael Hoskins2022
Michael Rivera Orsini2022
Tosha Boyd2023
Lars Kragness2023
Mitchell Rust2023
Jenna Davis2023
Mariana Torres-Panzera2023
Olivia Wyckoff2023
Katrijin Whisemant2024
Anna Sauvie2024
Andrew Schlueter2024
Deborah Shepherd1985
Deborah Haines1993
Darryl Millis1993
Phillip Snow1994
Diane Van Horn Hendrix1995
Tamberlyn Moyers1996
Danielle Browning2000
Sherri Hicks2001
Kristin Sowder2002
Julie Fields2004
Agricola Odoi2005
Grover Cradic2007
Bente Flatland2008
Heidi Wyrosdick2010
Joan Bergman2011
Margaret Fulford2011
Corbin Wright2011
Cassie Lux2013
Devin Munsey2013
Damion Batchelder2013
Dawn Rector2014
Jessica Montoya2015
Jordyn Alley2016
Megan Weller2016
Ashley Baldwin2017
John Helt2019
Stephanie Kleine2019
Renee Lombardi2019
Jonathan Abbott2019
Angela Prine2019
Talisha Moore2020
Braidee Foote2020
Brandon Denton2020
ShaRonda Cooper2021
Savanah Crotty2021
Megan Dukes2021
Mercedes Fraley2021
Ashley Briggs2022
Sarah Schmid2022
Ashley Dalton2022
Alison Klafehn2022
Judy Hagan2022
Casey Neal2023
Megan Oesch2023
Kyra Tan2023
William Davis III2023
Federica Morandi2001
Leslie Wereszczak2002
Jeanine Bormet2004
Martha Gail Drum2006
Shayla Ladd2007
Janet Jones2010
Lisa Amelse2011
Shannon Sharp2012
John Schaefer2014
Deanna Schaefer2014
Julie Schildt2015
Frankie McGinnis2015
Marcy Dochtermann2015
Maryanne Murphy2016
Angela Hoffman-Payne2016
Jennifer Weisent2017
Allison Givens-Nunn2017
Bryce Burton2017
Julie Pryor2018
Steven Newby2018
Andrea Dedeaux2018
Jamie Cruise2018
Laura Fischer2019
Alicia Robino2020
Emily Ford2020
Michelle Currier2020
Kelsey Peterson2021
Tyler Gorczyca2021
Renee Crane2021
Frances Borgers2021
Alyssa Miles2022
Helen Gilmore2022
Jacob Wise2023
Ross Richnafsky2023
Jill Murphy2023
Jennifer Lord2023
Chie Tamamoto-Mochizuki2024
Hiroyuki Mochizuki2024
Claudia Jeffers2024
Amy Brandon2024
Sheila Hatcher1984
Jacqueline Bellan1993
Melissa Wilkerson1998
Stephanie Denton2002
Rebekah Jones2002
Karen Armsey2005
Richard Gerhold Jr2010
Derek Vanderhoff2011
James Caldwell2012
Chelsey Taylor2013
Marcus Williford Sr2013
Meggan Graves2013
Rachel Feurstein2015
Neal Valk2015
Andrew Teague2015
Alejandro Esteller-Vico2018
Phillip Jones2019
Kristin Miller2019
Moriah Burr2021
Julie Price2021
Danielle Thomas2021
Valerie Gallagher2021
Frances Bogan2021
Alyn Dunn2021
Amber Galla2022
Jadynn Epperson2022
Patrick Thompson2023
Lauren Guarneri2023
Jordan Hall2023