Program Overview
Led by Andrew Cushing, Clinical Associate Professor and Julie Sheldon, Clinical Assistant Professor, this two-week rotation exposes clinical veterinary students to wildlife and zoological cases beyond what is offered through rotations in the exotics clinic and the zoological service on site at UTCVM. Students spend time at the Belize Zoo, a small- to medium-sized zoo that houses native wildlife of various taxa, including primates, felids, birds and reptiles. Students also work with local rehabilitation or wildlife rescue facilities as needed. Students are involved with all aspects of case management (anesthesia, surgery, medical care and follow up), as well as record keeping, prescribing, and in-house laboratory work. Eight students can participate in this program. The program is offered in the fall and spring for clinical students. Drs. Cushing and Sheldon reach out to students directly to tell them more details about the program.  Â
Read more about the Belize Zoo.