Student Academic Policies
Students of the University of Tennessee are directed to the student catalog for general policies and procedures, including campus resources. The current and prospective student’s primary resource is via Hilltopics which describes withdrawal procedures, academic dismissal, total withdrawal from the University, and student governance. All enrolled students are directed to Hilltopics.
Academic Withdrawal
Students may withdraw from the professional curriculum before the term has ended for academic, health or other personal reasons. Students should consult with the College of Veterinary Medicine Academic Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services to aid in the withdrawal process. Students that withdraw and are in good academic standing may be readmitted at the discretion of the Academic Dean. The process for withdrawal is defined by the University of Tennessee – Knoxville. Students should consult the general student handbook publication, Hilltopics, and the online catalog which describe the withdrawal procedure, academic dismissal, total withdrawal, and student governance. A portion of the tuition may be refunded, based on the date of withdrawal and any refund due is issued by the Office of the Bursar. Students withdrawing from the Professional Program are asked to declare their withdrawal in writing to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Withdrawal for medical or mental health reasons require a letter from a licensed mental health provider or a physician. Instructions and/or terms for reenrollment will be provided in writing upon receipt of the letter.
Information on involuntary medical withdrawal, suspension and student judicial appeal may be found in Hilltopics.
Failure to attend classes for the remainder of a term, without filing for withdrawal results in automatic F grading in each class affected.
Academic Status
Each student must remain in good academic standing as he/she progress through the DVM degree curriculum. A student will be placed on academic probation when his/her cumulative GPA falls below the minimum acceptable level. Academic dismissal is the end result of a pattern of receiving grades that are below the college’s standards for good academic status.
Faculty Advising Program
Each incoming veterinary student is assigned to a faculty advisor at the beginning of their first semester. The process attempts to pair students with faculty with similar subject or career interests when possible. At this stage, advising is intended to be primarily academic. Each semester the academic adviser and student are expected to meet to review academic progress. Also, the Associate Dean will provide each adviser a progress letter each academic term. However, depending on the rapport established, some students consult with their faculty advisor for non-academic mentoring as well. Advisement may entail assisting with student resource identification, help with academic progress, selection and supervision of the senior electives, career choices, etc.
The Office of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, and the Director of the Veterinary Social Work program are also available to all veterinary students for counseling on academic, financial, or personal problems. When appropriate, referral can be made to other on campus or off-campus resources, such as marriage counselors, mental health clinics, etc.
Tutoring Services
Student tutors are available through SCAVMA and the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Interested students are encouraged to contact the SCAVMA Vice President or the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to arrange tutoring assistance.