Who We Are
- Launched in 2008 to meet strategic goals in strengthening teaching programs
- Guiding principle: “Teaching is Job One”
- Part of the Southeastern Veterinary Educator Consortium (SEVEC)
Mission: Provide the resources, programs & leadership that support the highest quality of professionalism & instruction within the various educational missions of the college.
Participation: Built around voluntary & committed participation of core members, with individual sessions open to all faculty & staff. Modeled as a community of practice with the approach of a teaching academy. Goal: Ongoing professional development toward mastery, as opposed to recognition or exclusion. Participants point to the program as particularly useful in improving their teaching methods, materials or communication; their ability to assess students; and the learning environment in their classroom.The program has been highlighted in recruitment of new faculty members and is gaining attention as a model for other institutions.
November 2015: Master Teacher Program awarded the UT Gamma Sigma Delta chapter’s Team Award for its outstanding contribution to teaching in agriculture and related disciplines.
Spring 2025 Schedule (Thursday, 8:00–9:30 am, B224-Tickle Seminar Rm.)
Date | Topic | Speaker(s) |
Jan. 23 | Veterinary Mentorship: From Good to Great | Dr. Addie Reinhard, Founder & CEO, MentorVet |
Feb. 20 | Mind Matters: Cognitive Science Strategies that Enhance Learning | Dr. Sarah Schmid, Small Animal Clinical Sciences, UTCVM |
Mar. 20 | TBD | |
Apr. 17 | Growing Veterinary Education: Who will be the teachers? (Zoom only) | Dr. Kim Carney, Dean, Lincoln Memorial University – Orange Park CVM |
May 8 | TBD | Dr. Luca Giori, Biomedical & Diagnostic Sciences, UTCVM |
Education Funding Opportunities
Master Teacher Program Organizing Committee
Dr. India Lane, Dr. Misty Bailey, Dr. Denae LoBato
Upcoming Medical Education Meetings
- UTK Innovative Teaching & Learning Conference, Knoxville, TN
- AAVMC Annual Conference, Apr 10–12, 2025, Washington, DC
- International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) meeting, Jun 14–17, 2025, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- SEVEC Veterinary Educator Boot Camp, 2025, University of Florida CVM, Gainesville, FL
- Association of Veterinary Technician Educators (AVTE) Conference, Aug. 1–3, Louisville, KY
- AMEE (International Association for Health Professions Education) meeting, Aug 23–27, 2025, Barcelona, Spain
- Primary Care Veterinary Educators’ Symposium (PCVE), Oct 16–19, Columbus, OH
- International Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine (ICCVM), Dec 3–5, 2026, Florence, Italy