UTCVM Cardiologist, Dr. Becky Gompf (pictured above), has received the Lee & Ingle Pyle Service Award from the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM). The award is presented annually to an ACVIM Diplomate in recognition of outstanding and dedicated volunteer service to the ACVIM for ten or more years. Dr. Gompf personifies distinguished service and has set a high standard for that service in our college, community, and profession.
Among the first female faculty hired at the college in 1978, Dr. Gompf has taught cardiology to every student to ever graduate from the veterinary college. She has attended every hooding and graduation at UTCVM and helps the faculty with their hoods to ensure we look good.
Dr. Gompf selflessly postponed her retirement a few years ago when our other cardiologist left to enter private specialty practice. Because she put the students, referral community, and the college before herself, UT was able to continue to meet its educational and patient care responsibilities.
Always wanting to advance veterinary medicine, Dr. Gompf has been active in professional activities throughout the years; she has served as the secretary of ACVIM (Cardiology) and sat on the Certifying Exam Rating Committee, has been actively involved with the Association of Women Veterinarians, and has served as vice-president and president of the Academy of Veterinary Cardiology. In addition to serving on numerous college and university committees, she has served as chairperson of the Knox County Board of Health Advisory Committee, Knox County Disaster Animal Response Team, and as president of the Knoxville Animal Control Board. She has also volunteered with Human Animal Bond in Tennessee, Little League, the Adult Literacy Council, and every aspect of her church. She always adds a personal touch at the college; it is not unusual to see Dr. Gompf delivering a potluck dish to a luncheon celebrating veterinary technicians, setting up tables for a baby shower, or volunteering her Saturday examining cats at a “Feral Fixin.”