Veterinary College Offers Conference for Horse Owners

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An opportunity for horse owners to learn about their horse inside and out

Orange t-shirt with white horse hooves on it
T-shirts are available for an additional $10 and must be ordered by February 5. The price of the shirt increases to $15 after January 1.

The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine (UTCVM) will host a horse owner’s conference on Saturday, March 2, 2024. This is the first time the popular educational event has been held in three years. The conference will be held in the new Teaching and Learning Center of the Veterinary Hospital which is located at 2407 River Drive on the UT agricultural campus in Knoxville. Registration and check-in begin at 8:00 a.m., and the conference lasts until 4:30 p.m.

The conference is designed for those who have owned horses, mules, or donkeys for years or are new to the equid world. Speakers for the conference include UTCVM equine specialists. Topics will include common diseases and vaccinations, weight loss strategies for the metabolic horse, colic surgery, neck pain, alternative therapies, and breeding the backyard horse. There will also be a question and answer session with a panel of veterinarians.

Attendance will be capped at 130 participants. The registration fee for the conference is $20 and covers lunch and refreshments.

T-shirts are available for an additional $10 and must be ordered by February 5. The registration fee will increase to $35 January 1, and the t-shirt price will increase to $15. Registration online is available at Registration closes February 23, 2024. Reach out to Meggan Graves at for additional information.

The conference will not be canceled for inclement weather.