Last week, several Comparative and Experimental Medicine (CEM) students and faculty were recognized at the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) awards ceremony. The awards reception is the GSS’s capstone event in celebrating Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week. We wanted to take the time to celebrate these individuals for their tremendous achievements!
The Excellence in Graduate Research award is presented to graduate and professional students who have received national and/or international recognition in their field and show promise in their area of research and/or creative achievement. Winners of the Excellence in Graduate Research Award from the CEM program include Eliza Baker (parasitology), Tania Dawant (parasitology) , Laura Horton (parasitology) , Ashley Reeves (wildlife), Jessie Richards (parasitology), and Nicole Szafranski (parasitology).
CEM winners of the Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award include Jennifer Lord (epidemiology) and Wesley Sheley (pathology/wildlife infectious diseases). This award is presented to graduate teaching assistants and associates for extraordinary performance in teaching.
In addition to the student award winners, Dr. Stephen Kania was the recipient of both the Graduate Research Mentor of Year Award and Graduate Director of the Year Award. The Graduate Research mentor of the Year Award recognizes faculty or staff members who have shown outstanding commitment to mentoring graduate research students. The Graduate Director of the Year Award recognizes directors of graduate studies who have shown outstanding commitment to mentoring and leading graduate students in their department.