The Equine Service provides both hospital-based and on-farm patient care and client services. The equine service offers primary care to local clientele and serves as the referral center for veterinarians throughout Tennessee and the surrounding region of the United States for complex medical, surgical, and lameness problems as well as patient rehabilitation. Hospitalized patients receive around-the-clock monitoring and care by a team of board-certified specialists, experienced residents, licensed technicians, and 4th-year veterinary students.
The state-of-the-art ICU (intensive care unit) includes a dedicated foal ICU for optimal patient care, intensive monitoring, and premier service. The Field Service clinicians bring mobile hospitals and modern equipment to your farm for health care programs, diagnostic procedures, and consultations. Our specialists and residents carefully evaluate patients in order to reach an accurate diagnosis and determine the best approach to treat your horse’s problem.
Our new Equine Services, completed in January 2013, has the most robust, state-of-the-art rehabilitation facilities in the United States. We are one of only a few equine centers in the world directly connected to a primary veterinary medical center, with direct supervision by veterinary specialists and trained technical support.
Our veterinary specialists provide services in equine medicine, surgery, reproduction and physical rehabilitation. Our team includes board-certified specialists in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Reproduction, Radiology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Oncology, and Dermatology. Together with veterinary residents in specialty-training programs, interns, licensed veterinary technicians, and students, we work together to provide premier veterinary medical care for your horses.