Q: How do I make a referral to the Emergency/Critical Care Service?
A: (find out main number or referral coordinator) Referrals are made by calling… Diagnostics, radiographs, and labwork can easily be sent (how) prior to the patients arrival. link etc. The consulting clinician will also provide you with an estimate to discuss with your client.
Q: What Diagnostic Imaging Modalities Are Available?
A: Digital Radiography, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT) and MRI are available. Radiographs, Ultrasound, and CT are available after-hours as indicated. MRI is only available during weekday business hours.
Q: How will I be notified of my client’s progress?
A: A referral letter will be provided to the rDVM, as well as discharge instructions. In addition, rDVM’s can contact the service for status updates.
Q: Can patients be transferred to other services through the Emergency/ Critical Care Service?
A: Yes. While the patient may remain hospitalized in the ICU, patients may be transferred to appropriate services in order to provide optimal care.
Q: If my client utilizes the after-hours emergency service, can my client be transferred back to me the next day?
A: Yes. In the event your client remains at the VMC due to the need for specialized care, the treating service will work closely with you at the time of discharge for future follow-up care when indicated.​​​