Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the future of veterinary medicine?
Have you ever wanted to try your hand at teaching?
Have you ever wanted to be involved in selecting applicants for veterinary school admission?
Have you ever wanted to be more involved with UTCVM?
Did you answer YES to any of these? We have an exciting opportunity for you!
UTCVM is in search of exceptional veterinarians who want to make a difference in the lives of numerous students and animals. With the COVID-19 pandemic, UTCVM is exploring innovative and safe ways to best teach our veterinary students, especially in clinical skills laboratories and online (via Zoom). We welcome any help a licensed veterinarian is able to contribute – from as little as 1 hour to as much time as you are willing to provide! We are looking for help for a variety of college-wide activities, including veterinary school application reviews and interviews.
Who are we looking for?
- Licensed veterinarians able to come to the UT Knoxville campus or available via Zoom
- Veterinarians who demonstrate respect, patience, and professionalism
Are there requirements?
- You do NOT have to be a UT alum to participate. All licensed veterinarians who are willing to volunteer are welcome, so please pass this message along to others who you think would be interested in helping.
- No teaching experience or minimum number of years of practice required. Even if you’ve had no experience teaching, just being a friendly face to offer comfort and words of encouragement makes a huge difference to our students (remember yourself as a vet student!).
What are the benefits to you?
- Contribute ideas and thoughts for innovative teaching from a real-world perspective
- Foster relationships with students who may be your future employees and colleagues!
- Learn what UTCVM is currently teaching its students
- Get to know current UTCVM faculty and staff
It’s as easy as scanning the QR code below. You can also visit this site to fill out the form.

Please contact Ashley Dalton for more information: adalto20@utk.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!