Biopsy Submitting Samples

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Biopsy Submission Form

Biopsy Fee includes:

*View the current pricing

  • Routine H&E processing
  • Special stains (for bacteria, fungi etc), if needed
  • Margin evaluation, if requested
    • Please check the box ‘Yes’ that you would like the margins evaluated
  • Decalcification of bone, as needed
  • Up to 3 different sites from a single animal
    • There is an additional charge if there are 4 or more biopsy sites (with the exception of multiple gastrointestinal and dermatologic biopsies which will be considered as one site).

      There will be an additional fee added if you would like your results reported sooner (STAT cases).

Microscopic descriptions and interpretations of lesions are typically reported within 72 hours.

  • Results are reported by an automated fax
    • If a fax machine is not available, results can be sent via U.S. Postal Service or e-mail
  • Samples of bone, particularly digits and jaws with teeth, can take an extended period of time for decalcification, which will result in a substantial delay in reporting results (up to 2 weeks or more in some cases)
  • If special stains or consultations with other pathologists are required, these additional steps may result in a delay in reporting results

Sample handling:

  • Tissue samples should be placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin with at formalin to tissue ratio of 10:1
    • Please do not try to formalin –fix large samples (spleen, limbs), just refrigerate them and have them delivered promptly to UT
  • Please use only screw-top lids to avoid formalin spillage during transport
  • Please do not use glass containers (to minimize the risk of breakage during transport)
  • Please place the completed paperwork in a plastic bag to protect it in case of spillage during transport
  • Samples can be mailed to UT, picked up by FedEx or the UT courier service

For examination of surgical excision (margins) we recommend:

  • Painting the excisional margins with surgical marking dye prior to fixation (click here for detailed instructions)​
  • For larger skin masses (>3 cm diameter), partial transection from the skin side into the specimen approximately ¾ of the way through the sample (toward the deep margin) to improve fixation
  • Marking the orientation of at least one margin (e.g. cranial, caudal, right or left lateral) by suture placement
