We offer both in person and remote consultations and require a referral from the pet’s veterinarian with either appointment type.
- Due to the limited availability of specialists offering remote nutrition consultations to veterinarians and pet owners, the wait time for a new patient to be seen by a UTCVM nutritionist may be several months from the time of appointment booking.
- Due to their medical conditions, it may not be appropriate for some pets to wait that long. If you are able to come see us in person, ask the scheduling desk about our earliest in person appointment availability, which is often much sooner than the first available remote appointment.
Completed forms can be can be faxed (865-974-0714) or emailed to vetclientservices@utk.edu.
Homemade Diet Formulation
- Homemade diets are preferred to commercially available products by some pet owners. In some cases, homemade diets are the only way to provide a specialized formula to pets with multiple diseases. Homemade diets are also responsible for many cases of severe nutritional deficiency, so they must be properly designed for long-term use. Our nutrition team can formulate homemade diets that are specific to an individual pet’s taste preferences and medical conditions.
Therapeutic Commercial Diet Recommendations
- With hundreds of commercial diets on the market, it can be difficult to choose the most appropriate formula for cat or dog to eat. Many pets also have diseases with conflicting nutritional needs. Our nutrition team can help owners and referring veterinarians choose the best options for those complicated cases.
Obesity Management
- Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in U.S. pets today. Once weight gain has occurred, many owners find it difficult to get their pet back to an ideal weight without assistance.
- Our nutrition service can design a comprehensive weight loss plan that makes the process pleasant for owners and pets through a structured diet and exercise program.
- We provide weight reduction program services in person and remotely. If you are able to visit in person, your pet may qualify for the UTCVM Veterinary Obesity Center, which provides weight loss plans for client-owned pets at little to no cost to pet owners thanks to a generous grant by Royal Canin.
Critical Care Nutrition
- Proactive nutrition in the hospital improves patient care and leads to better outcomes. We are able to assist other veterinarians, as a member of their extended team, by providing nutritional support plans for hospitalized patients. We can aid in feeding tube management or design parenteral nutrition solutions.
Clinical Trial Enrollment
- Due to our commitment to advance the field of small animal nutrition, we often have clinical trial enrollment opportunities. If your pet qualifies and you choose to participate, you and your pet can help us work toward improving our understanding of and treatment options for various nutritionally related conditions.
For more information about our clinical service contact us at utvns@utk.edu.
For questions about the Veterinary Obesity Center, contact utvoc@utk.edu.
For questions about clinical trial enrollment, use the contact information provided in the clinical trial information sheet.